Thursday, July 17, 2008


While exploring some Flicki mashups and 3rd party sites I came across a website on how to make my own Voki Speaking Avatar. I created an Avatar and some of the things I was able to choose were:, skin and mouth color; hair color; and background scenery. The only thing I did not do was give it my voice. I sent the Avatar to my e-mail address. This was alot of fun and I could really get into the Avatar world. But it does amaze me how much time goes by while you are doing it. Now I have a greater understanding as to why my son sits in front of the computer all day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I cannot believe it, I have a blog! I am so techonology illiterate it hurts. Now, I guess, I can't use the words technology illiterate anymore since I have a blog. I will just refer to myself as technology challenged, since I still have so much to learn.